Smart Power Applications
Power Electronics Design
Renewable Energy
and Endless Possibilities. . .

About the Smart Power Electronics and Energy Conversion (SPEC) Lab

The Smart Power Electronics and Energy Conversion (SPEC) Lab research group at the University of Connecticut in the College of Engineering is a premiere group for research in power, electronics and energy conversion. Our research interests include smart power, electronics and energy conversion with applications for real world applications. Our vision is to investigate power electronics technologies in diverse applications of energy conversion.

Our research facility is focused on developing advanced power electronics systems that are intelligent and efficient, often with a focus on integrating renewable energy sources into the grid, electric vehicles, and other applications by utilizing sophisticated control algorithms and innovative power conversion technologies to optimize energy usage and system performance.

Are you interested in this unique topic area? Please contact us!

Contact Us

sung yuel park

Sung-Yeul Park
Associate Professor
Office: ITE 445
Phone: (860) 486-4822

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